Live Cheap Dream Big

Living the dream on a shoestring budget

Category: Marketing

Why I Make Myself Obsolete

Before I semi-retired I specialized in email marketing. I helped clients create newsletter content plans that worked across all their marketing channels. I created their templates. I wrote content for them.

Then I made myself obsolete. I showed them how to handle it on their own.

Knowledge Is Power

There are two sides to this statement. One side says keep all your knowledge to yourself, so you can be essential and more in demand. This point of view is restrictive, based on fear and scarcity.

The other side says sharing your knowledge is more powerful. This point of view is expansive, based on trust and abundance.

You can guess which side I’m on. I believe knowledge is far more powerful when it can be used. When I can share some of my knowledge and help someone else be more successful, the net value of that knowledge increases.

Knowledge kept secret is about as useful as a fabric stash that is never used. That fabric is pretty on the shelf but has no other purpose. Take it out and make a quilt with it, and you have created so much more than just a pretty thing. You have something that can wrap a person with love and warmth.

Knowledge Has Value

The more you know, the more you can do. I became an expert in ezines because I was curious and interested. The more I knew, the more I wanted to learn. The more I knew, the more I was perceived as an expert. The more I was perceived as an expert, the more people asked me questions that I was able to answer.

Here’s the big takeaway. The more I shared, the more I learned! No matter how much I “gave away”, I always gained a little too. I gained a stronger understanding of how my knowledge could be used. I could see where people were likely to struggle – it wasn’t always where I had struggled! That gave me new opportunities.

Knowledge from an expert has a higher perceived value. An expert knows the right way AND the wrong way to do things. Knowing how to void pitfalls is definitely valuable!

Why Did I Share All That Information?

I think it is essential for a business owner to know how to do everything. Knowledge sets you up for more success later. A business owner who knows how every part of the business works can focus on the most important areas.

My clients were able to do their own newsletters for as long as it made sense for them to handle that marketing task. Once their businesses grew larger, they had a solid system that they could easily turn over to someone else. Plus, they had a clearly defined process that made it easy to get a new hire up to speed.

My willingness to show clients how to do their own ezines led to more success for me. As they became more successful, partly due to their awesome ezines, I was an obvious choice to take over their ezines – and other admin tasks.

Sharing my “how to” knowledge placed me firmly in the position of expert. Helping my clients – and even people who would never become clients – placed me front and center whenever they had an opportunity to share a referral.

Obsolescence is a Good Thing!

By teaching others to do the first stage work, I cleared the way for me to do the next stage. The people who feel they need to hoard or protect their knowledge miss out. They are less open to learning from non-experts. They miss out on essential perspectives. They eventually hit a ceiling once they have learned everything within their reach. Then they get stuck because they don’t know how to expand their reach.

How can you make yourself obsolete?

If you’re ready to move to a different stage of work, I encourage you to give this question some serious thought!

Why You Need Templates

Systems are the backbone of administrating a business. I consider it a win any time I can automate a system. That’s why I love templates and forms.

What takes needless time? Needless decisions!

You remove a bit of decision making each time you use a template. Even though you may not be aware of it, those seconds and minutes add up. Tiny decisions add stress and waste time…did I put this information in the first paragraph or the second paragraph last time? Should the date be in YMD format or MDY format?

Cut yourself some slack! It’s easy to present yourself with a consistent professional image just by using a template.

How Microsoft Word Templates Work

Since I do the majority of my work using Word, my templates are built using Word. It’s helpful to understand how Word templates work

DOC versus DOT

A Word document will have a filename of xyzfilename.doc. The DOC extension means that it is a Word document and you can edit that document easily. When you save it, you pick the folder. When you want to edit the document, you go to that folder and open the document.

A Word template will have a filename of The DOT extension means that it is a Word template, and it will automatically be saved in the Custom Templates folder. You can choose a different location but I advise against that.

“Edit” Versus “Create New”

When you want to edit a template, you go to the Custom Templates folder and right click on the filename. Choose OPEN. Make your edits, save and close it.

When you want to create a new document based on the template, it’s a different process. Click on File, New, New from Template, and the list of all your custom templates will appear. Click on your template, and a COPY of that template is loaded into a document with a DOC extension.

This is the critical difference between a document and a template. Each time you open a document, the document is loaded and you can edit, save, etc. When you use a template, you are loading the pattern into a blank document. You can make all the changes you want in that document and the template stays exactly the same.

Other Types of Templates

Templates are really just patterns that can be reused. They are like paper sewing patterns and digital embroidery files.

How a paper pattern works: You put the paper pattern for a top on fabric, cut it out, put the paper pattern back in the envelope, and sew the fabric. If you decide to change the sleeves for this top, you make those adjustments in your fabric – not the paper pattern. If you decide you want to make this adjustment again, you trace a copy of the sleeve pattern, make the adjustments to the copy, and put the copy into the pattern envelope for next time.

How a digital embroidery file works: You load the embroidery file on to your embroidery machine, thread the machine with your chosen colors (which may or may not be what the file has recommended), and start sewing. If you decide you want to make a change to that design, you load the file into special software, make a copy of the file, and edit the design. The new design is saved with a different name and the original file remains the same.

Just as sewing patterns and digital embroidery files make it easy to get a consistent design, they also save a boatload of time. Imagine if you had to create a new pattern every time you sewed a top. Imagine if you had to create a consistent quilting pattern from scratch with every row – a pantograph or digital design makes it so much easier and faster!

Are you convinced yet? If you have ever used a pattern of any kind, you will definitely enjoy using Word templates.

Template Ideas To Save You Time

Did I mention I love templates? If you need ideas about templates than can save you time, download my Template Ideas To Save You Time. Let me know what you think!

P.S. If you want to know when I have a new guide or report available, head on over to the subscribe button.

Do You Need a Mastermind Group?

What is a mastermind group?

  • Imagine meeting a group of people who freely share ideas, techniques, and resources to help you succeed.
  • Imagine a group of people who cheer you on as you work towards your goals.
  • Imagine a group of people who support you when your idea fails, and who help you re-imagine an idea that will succeed.

That’s the essence of a mastermind group. A small group of people who are invested in your success, and who depend on you to do the same for them.

I have been a member of several mastermind groups. Without exception, I have succeeded – and exceeded – in my goals more easily than if I had done it all on my own.

There is safety in numbers. There is also more opportunity. The image on this post shows how animals gather in a group. Each animal looks in a different direction, on the lookout for dangers as well as opportunities.

When people gather with a common constructive goal, the results have been proven. People are more successful.

Mastermind groups are successful for businesses, but they are also used for all types of groups.

Want to Join a Mastermind Group?

I created a private Facebook group that will be an informal mastermind group. Hop on over and check it out.

You can get my Guide to Creating a Mastermind Group as a free welcome gift when you subscribe to my email list. On the right side of your screen you’ll see where you can enter you name and email. Make sure you click the option to receive my email updates. Your guide will be on its way to you immediately by email. Use it to create your own mastermind group tailored specifically to your goals.

I belong to a fiber art group that meets twice a month. I have increased my skills and artistic expression as a result. I have been encouraged to try new techniques – and even when my results are laughable, they see and validate my progress.

Why I Love Mastermind Groups

This is a paper pieced house that is intended to become a wall hanging (the pattern is from It started as a project with my fiber art group, but it turned out to be a major learning opportunity for me.

I was new to paper piecing. I printed the patterns at the wrong sizes – so the pieces didn’t fit together. Eventually I started over with this project. Then I lost it. It is somewhere in my quilting studio, but who knows when I will find it again!

My point is that I never would have pushed on with this project if it hadn’t been for my fiber art group. They encouraged me even when they saw my mismatched sizes – and provided tips for how to print patterns correctly. Now they remind me to keep looking for it so I can finish it.

Regardless of your goals, having a cheering section is going to make your work a lot more fun.

Four Ways to Use “Less Is More” Editing

Writing good content is not easy. Just getting started can be tough!

The key to good content is what you do once you get words on paper (or computer). Good editing can turn a lackluster disorganized jumble into a shiny jewel of brilliance. At the very least, aim for a passable post that people are more likely to read.

Editing is when you cut the words that don’t work. When I edit my blog posts I cut about half the words before I publish!

How does “less is more” relate to good content?

Fewer words = more readers willing to read your message

Your readers want to read your message. Don’t make them work harder than necessary. Practice making your titles and headlines short, to the point, and descriptive. People who skim will get your message. If you spark their interest, they will read further for more detail.

Shorter sentences = easier to understand

Long sentences are more difficult to understand, especially when a reader is in a hurry. A sentence should have only one idea, or one topic, or one call to action.

Here’s an exaggerated sample of what not to do:

The reason for using short sentences is because they are easier to understand and that will help you to get your message across because when your readers understand what you have to offer to them, they can be more successful in their businesses, and when they work with you, they will appreciate the knowledge or products that you have to offer.

Phew! Try reading THAT out loud! Too many words, too many ideas. I would edit that to read:

Short sentences are easier to understand. Short sentences help your readers understand your services. Clients appreciate your expertise when they understand what you can do for them.

Remember that headings and titles are an excellent method to get your main points across. You can then expand on each point with several short sentences.

Repetitive words = distractions

Cut repetitive words like what, so, and, if, and because. Ever listen to a teenager? Every second word is “like”! If you don’t talk with that teen often, “like” can be a huge distraction. We all have word habits, and that’s ok when we are talking casually. Writing is a different story.

When you are editing your writing, look for extra words. Try deleting each word in a sentence, one at a time, to see if it changes the meaning. I have a habit of starting a sentence with the word “so”. I also have a habit of writing “I think”. When I edit, I do a search for those things and delete almost all of them. My writing is immediately better.

Filler words obscure your message. It’s ok to have more sentences, and it’s ok to vary your sentence length. A few longer sentences will give balance and prevent your piece from feeling choppy. Word count is not the goal of effective content (unless you have restricted space).

More white space = more relaxed reader

White space is your friend. It gives the eyes a rest. Leave a space between paragraphs. Split up paragraphs if they are more than a few lines. Readers will be more likely to read on if they don’t have to work too hard.

Anyone who says writing is easy probably hasn’t done enough editing.

Bonnie Taylor Wachowicz

It IS easy to put a lot of words on a page. It’s not so easy to choose which ones to publish.

Writing good content is important because your message is important. These tips will help you stay on point and connect more easily with your readers.

 P.S. I cut “so” out of this post in about 8 places. What are your favorite extra words?

Four Ways To Save Time

If you spend LESS TIME working on your business, you can make MORE MONEY working with your clients.

Bonnie taylor wachowicz

Marketing agencies want to know one thing about your business before doing anything else. What’s your budget?

If you have a big budget, it’s all systems go.

If you are running your business on a shoestring budget, it’s a different story.

My Live Cheap Dream Big philosophy is pretty simple. I look for ways to save money or time, so I can spend my money or time on activities that are more fun.

I don’t spend a lot of money on my marketing, because I know how to do most of it myself. With my admin background, I also know how to spend less time getting those tasks done.

Are you spending your time well?

How would you like to have an extra hour or two every week?

Here are four ways to save time simply by being consistent in how you run your business.

  1. Be consistent with how you describe your service or product.
    Develop and use your “elevator speech”. Be ready and able to describe each of your products and services in 10 words or less. Be ready to expand that description when you are speaking to a potential client. When you can explain your product/service clearly and easily, you can spread that information everywhere. Be just as clear about who benefits from your product/service.
  2. Be consistent with your marketing time.
    The best way to spend less money is to spend less TIME on your marketing. With a good marketing plan you can eliminate hours every month. You’ll know exactly what to promote, and you’ll know where to promote it.
  3. Be consistent with tasks.
    Define the steps for each repetitive task in your business. Follow the same process every time. You’ll be able to get things done more quickly, and you’ll also have a clearly defined system that can be used by someone else. When you are ready to step back from doing a task yourself it will be easier to outsource it.
  4. Be consistent with appearance.
    Use the same descriptive words, the same branding (colors, logo, taglines, keywords, etc.). The more consistent you are, the easier it will be to build brand recognition.

You can save a lot of time simply by planning ahead. Yes, it takes time to set up systems but you’ll benefit from having extra time for clients every week, every month and every year going forward.   

Need a hand? Get in touch with me to learn more about how I can help.

© 2025 - Live Cheap Dream Big|Design By 30 Day Blog Challenge