Live Cheap Dream Big

Living the dream on a shoestring budget

Author: bonnietw

Do You Need a Mastermind Group?

What is a mastermind group?

  • Imagine meeting a group of people who freely share ideas, techniques, and resources to help you succeed.
  • Imagine a group of people who cheer you on as you work towards your goals.
  • Imagine a group of people who support you when your idea fails, and who help you re-imagine an idea that will succeed.

That’s the essence of a mastermind group. A small group of people who are invested in your success, and who depend on you to do the same for them.

I have been a member of several mastermind groups. Without exception, I have succeeded – and exceeded – in my goals more easily than if I had done it all on my own.

There is safety in numbers. There is also more opportunity. The image on this post shows how animals gather in a group. Each animal looks in a different direction, on the lookout for dangers as well as opportunities.

When people gather with a common constructive goal, the results have been proven. People are more successful.

Mastermind groups are successful for businesses, but they are also used for all types of groups.

Want to Join a Mastermind Group?

I created a private Facebook group that will be an informal mastermind group. Hop on over and check it out.

You can get my Guide to Creating a Mastermind Group as a free welcome gift when you subscribe to my email list. On the right side of your screen you’ll see where you can enter you name and email. Make sure you click the option to receive my email updates. Your guide will be on its way to you immediately by email. Use it to create your own mastermind group tailored specifically to your goals.

I belong to a fiber art group that meets twice a month. I have increased my skills and artistic expression as a result. I have been encouraged to try new techniques – and even when my results are laughable, they see and validate my progress.

Why I Love Mastermind Groups

This is a paper pieced house that is intended to become a wall hanging (the pattern is from It started as a project with my fiber art group, but it turned out to be a major learning opportunity for me.

I was new to paper piecing. I printed the patterns at the wrong sizes – so the pieces didn’t fit together. Eventually I started over with this project. Then I lost it. It is somewhere in my quilting studio, but who knows when I will find it again!

My point is that I never would have pushed on with this project if it hadn’t been for my fiber art group. They encouraged me even when they saw my mismatched sizes – and provided tips for how to print patterns correctly. Now they remind me to keep looking for it so I can finish it.

Regardless of your goals, having a cheering section is going to make your work a lot more fun.

How To Design A Quilt Studio

I’m taking a break from marketing today. Instead here is a glimpse into the work that is going on behind the scenes with Live Cheap, Dream Big.

Elsie, the main character, is researching studio spaces. There are a ton of questions she needs to answer before she can create a design for a stand-alone studio.

  • What activities will she be doing there – long arm quilting, hand quilting, embroidery, fabric painting, teaching?
  • How many people will need to be accommodated for each activity?
  • Will she have machines available to rent to her customers? Where will she get them?
  • What kind of layout is needed to accommodate each activity?

My Writing Goal

My next writing goal is to start designing Elsie’s quilting studio. The first step is to outline the space and equipment she needs for the work she will do. I have a much longer list of questions than what I’ve shared here!

A little over a year ago my husband and I renovated the basement to make my sewing studio space. We worked within the space we had, but Elsie will be be building her studio from the ground up. She has the freedom to create whatever layout she wants. She can make it larger or smaller if she wants. So many choices!

Analysis Paralysis

Sometimes too many choices mean decisions are more difficult to make. Between indecision and big ideas causing scope creep, Elsie and Bert have a lot to discuss. Elsie will need to draw on some good resources to stay on track.

Is it extreme to approach this as if I am building a quilting studio in real life? Maybe. But I know how I felt when I read a novel about a woman who did all her garage sale shopping on a Monday. Cheated. Lied to. Betrayed even.

That author obviously did not do the research because any self-respecting garage saler knows that garage sales go from Thursday to Sunday (occasionally with an early start on Wednesday). Never on a Monday. Such a small detail, but the author lost me on that tiny detail. Years later I remember this small error – but I forget everything else about the book and author.

Harsh, I know. But also true.

Every detail is important.

It’s why I am starting over with this book. When I wrote the first draft, I was a newbie quilter. If I had tried to publish it, it would have been a flop. Any self-respecting quilter would know I didn’t have a clue about quilting!

Now I am more experienced. I know quilters who are professional long arm quilters. I know quilters who run stores. There is a new wealth of knowledge and details available to me now – and it all matters.

Asking Experts For Help

Elsie will talk to other professional quilters and business owners. She may even join a business mastermind. As a newbie business owner, she has a lot to learn – and her own experience will be valuable to other people.

When I am ready to have the next draft of Live Cheap, Dream Big reviewed, I will ask a few of those quilters to read it. They will spot any issues like my garage sale example. When the book is published, Elsie will be as real a person to readers as she is to me.

I’d love to hear about your experiences. If you’re a professional quilter, do you have tips for Elsie’s studio? If you’re a reader, has an author lost you because of a small detail like the garage sale error?

My Thoughts On Racism

I am horrified by what is happening in the U.S. The level of racism and hatred and violence is increasing. I’m sickened but can’t stop watching. I’m triggered but still can’t stop watching.

I kept wanting to share anti-racist memes on Facebook. Something kept stopping me. It felt like an easy pass – “I posted this, so I’ve done my part now”. I felt I needed to go deeper. I started wondering what I can do PERSONALLY in day to day life. How can I be sure I’m not accidentally saying or doing the wrong things?

“Oh, it’s not that bad in Canada” you say? That is the worst argument ever for ignoring this. It is happening here too and eventually will escalate if we don’t stop it now. Most Canadians have friends or family in the U.S. and Canada. We have influence, even if it is a small influence.

I believe we are ALL human beings regardless of our appearance. Regardless of any other label that gets attached to a person. Personally, I hate labels. I feel that they divide us even more.

I understand that special interest groups are formed to provide a stronger voice, to fight for inclusion and equality – but I so wish they were not necessary. Wouldn’t it be a better world if special interest groups formed to share and celebrate their common characteristics, rather than huddling together for survival and safety?

I believe everyone deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. The only place we should be judged is in court as a direct result of our actions – and there is a (usually peaceful) process for that.

What CAN I do personally?

It’s easier to see why people react the way they do when we understand their story. Being on the receiving side of racism is traumatic. I can’t even begin to understand what that is like. What’s happening now is yet another full-on cultural trauma that will be felt for generations.

Examining my own white privilege and biases is eye opening. Admitting I need to change is scary. It triggers a few of my own trauma reactions. But I am not letting that stop me.

There is so much healing needed – for the entire country, both U.S. and Canada. I encourage you to have these discussions with your family and your friends.

My husband and I had a good discussion about this yesterday. We talked about what is happening in the U.S. We examined a few of our biases. We talked about how we can change our biases by learning about different cultures to understand their beliefs. We will continue to discuss it and we both want to do our part to change it.

I can challenge the family member who talks trash about people because of their appearance or their culture. I already do that. What do they know about that person’s experience or culture? Can I share what I have learned? I need to learn more, and I need to pay attention to when my biases pop up. We all have them.

I can refuse to engage in conversations or actions that insult and harm another human being. Speak up, say I am not willing to be a part of this, walk away, or challenge their point of view. I already do that, although not as well as I would like. The need to be included in a group is sometimes stronger than my moral compass.

What can you do?

Can you think of a time when you didn’t speak up on someone’s behalf – and wish you had?

Will you refuse to take on clients who are racist? And how will you screen them, so you KNOW their values?

Will you refuse to hire people – employees or businesses – who don’t value equality? How do we even do this? I admit, it is an extra step when we need to hire a company to fix the furnace or paint the ceilings. I think it is worth it, even though I’m not sure how to go about it. Is it as simple as checking their website to read their inclusion policies?

We can ALL step up

We ALL need to do something. Even if it is a small thing. Because those small things add up. And we can change this. I keep thinking about what I can do personally in my self isolation bubble.

Memes have their place but the ones I see right now fire people up without giving them an outlet for big emotions. Instead of sharing memes on Facebook, I think I would rather share resources that can help us take right actions.

Today’s resource

Rachel Ricketts’ website. It landed in my email today so I am checking it out. I read this checklist today. I see there are things I can work on. Check it out and see what you find.

What can you do? What WILL you do? Post in the comments if you know of a good resource or have ideas to share.

Four Ways to Use “Less Is More” Editing

Writing good content is not easy. Just getting started can be tough!

The key to good content is what you do once you get words on paper (or computer). Good editing can turn a lackluster disorganized jumble into a shiny jewel of brilliance. At the very least, aim for a passable post that people are more likely to read.

Editing is when you cut the words that don’t work. When I edit my blog posts I cut about half the words before I publish!

How does “less is more” relate to good content?

Fewer words = more readers willing to read your message

Your readers want to read your message. Don’t make them work harder than necessary. Practice making your titles and headlines short, to the point, and descriptive. People who skim will get your message. If you spark their interest, they will read further for more detail.

Shorter sentences = easier to understand

Long sentences are more difficult to understand, especially when a reader is in a hurry. A sentence should have only one idea, or one topic, or one call to action.

Here’s an exaggerated sample of what not to do:

The reason for using short sentences is because they are easier to understand and that will help you to get your message across because when your readers understand what you have to offer to them, they can be more successful in their businesses, and when they work with you, they will appreciate the knowledge or products that you have to offer.

Phew! Try reading THAT out loud! Too many words, too many ideas. I would edit that to read:

Short sentences are easier to understand. Short sentences help your readers understand your services. Clients appreciate your expertise when they understand what you can do for them.

Remember that headings and titles are an excellent method to get your main points across. You can then expand on each point with several short sentences.

Repetitive words = distractions

Cut repetitive words like what, so, and, if, and because. Ever listen to a teenager? Every second word is “like”! If you don’t talk with that teen often, “like” can be a huge distraction. We all have word habits, and that’s ok when we are talking casually. Writing is a different story.

When you are editing your writing, look for extra words. Try deleting each word in a sentence, one at a time, to see if it changes the meaning. I have a habit of starting a sentence with the word “so”. I also have a habit of writing “I think”. When I edit, I do a search for those things and delete almost all of them. My writing is immediately better.

Filler words obscure your message. It’s ok to have more sentences, and it’s ok to vary your sentence length. A few longer sentences will give balance and prevent your piece from feeling choppy. Word count is not the goal of effective content (unless you have restricted space).

More white space = more relaxed reader

White space is your friend. It gives the eyes a rest. Leave a space between paragraphs. Split up paragraphs if they are more than a few lines. Readers will be more likely to read on if they don’t have to work too hard.

Anyone who says writing is easy probably hasn’t done enough editing.

Bonnie Taylor Wachowicz

It IS easy to put a lot of words on a page. It’s not so easy to choose which ones to publish.

Writing good content is important because your message is important. These tips will help you stay on point and connect more easily with your readers.

 P.S. I cut “so” out of this post in about 8 places. What are your favorite extra words?

My #1 Tactic for Getting Around Fear

Fear is a big obstacle for many people. Fear can stop us in our tracks. Fear can ruin our dreams.

Fear of success. Fear of failure. Fear that your secrets will be discovered. Fear of imperfection. Imposter Syndrome. The list could go on and on. In fact, there are so many ways that fear can derail us that I plan to write a lot more about it.

So how do we overcome fear? Good question – and there isn’t just one answer. But today I am sharing my number one solution to stop fear from stopping me.

Release The Fear

This is the ideal, isn’t it? Imagine how it would feel if you woke up one day and all your fear was magically gone! Sounds impossible…and it is. Too bad! But it IS possible to release one fear at a time.

Consider this acronym for F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. Your fears are real, but what if they are based on inaccurate information?

Try it for yourself: choose a single fear, then look for evidence that this is a false assumption.

My Example of F.E.A.R.

I see a quilt pattern I like, so I buy the fabric and pattern to make it. I open the pattern instructions and I’m hit with fear that I can’t do this. It’s too complex. It’s too many steps. Some of the instructions are over my head. I’m convinced I can’t master this, so I throw it in the corner. I’m afraid I can’t do it. I’m afraid that if I try it, I’ll end up with a crappy result. People will point and laugh at my feeble attempts. (Wow, I’m really good at finding fears!)

Am I right? Let’s see.

  • Have I followed patterns before? Yes.
  • Have I followed difficult patterns before? Yes.
  • Have I had trouble with a pattern before? Yes.
  • Was I able to find help when I ran into trouble? Yes.
  • Can I follow the pattern one step at a time, instead of jumping ahead and getting lost? Yes. I might not like it, but I can slow down.
  • Have I mastered other quilting and sewing techniques? Yes. But I had crappy results until I mastered those techniques.
  • Can I make a sample block to see where I need to get help or figure out a technique? Yes.
  • Has anyone ever laughed at my efforts? Yes, actually. But I survived, and had a few laughs myself.
  • Is this fear real? Yes. Absolutely. Denying a fear is not at all helpful. But the evidence shows that I can do it anyway.

That leads me to one of the best resources I’ve ever used to release a fear. This book, “Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway”, written by Susan Jeffers. I re-read this book regularly, and every time I get something new from it.

Will you fix or remove fear forever?

Of course not! Fear is a natural part of being alive and an essential survival skill. Fear alerts us to look a little deeper, to be aware of the real danger. It is also an opportunity to look for possibilities. We can identify the dangers. We can put safeguards in place. We CAN succeed.

Let fear be your friend.

A word of warning. If you decide to look for a T.E.A.R. (True Evidence Actually Real), you will also find that. If you can’t avoid looking for this evidence, remember to also look for the opposite.

I recommend making a list of your successes. It is empowering to see just how many times you defeated your fears. You can take this a step further and write down at least three successes every day. It might look like “I combed my hair, I fed my cat, and I fed myself” some days, and that’s ok!

Dream big. Be afraid. Find your possibilities and go for it!

P.S. the link above is an affiliate link. If you click and buy this book, I may earn a small commission. Bonus: you will be giving me evidence that I can earn money with my writing – and I thank you for your support!

Four Ways To Save Time

If you spend LESS TIME working on your business, you can make MORE MONEY working with your clients.

Bonnie taylor wachowicz

Marketing agencies want to know one thing about your business before doing anything else. What’s your budget?

If you have a big budget, it’s all systems go.

If you are running your business on a shoestring budget, it’s a different story.

My Live Cheap Dream Big philosophy is pretty simple. I look for ways to save money or time, so I can spend my money or time on activities that are more fun.

I don’t spend a lot of money on my marketing, because I know how to do most of it myself. With my admin background, I also know how to spend less time getting those tasks done.

Are you spending your time well?

How would you like to have an extra hour or two every week?

Here are four ways to save time simply by being consistent in how you run your business.

  1. Be consistent with how you describe your service or product.
    Develop and use your “elevator speech”. Be ready and able to describe each of your products and services in 10 words or less. Be ready to expand that description when you are speaking to a potential client. When you can explain your product/service clearly and easily, you can spread that information everywhere. Be just as clear about who benefits from your product/service.
  2. Be consistent with your marketing time.
    The best way to spend less money is to spend less TIME on your marketing. With a good marketing plan you can eliminate hours every month. You’ll know exactly what to promote, and you’ll know where to promote it.
  3. Be consistent with tasks.
    Define the steps for each repetitive task in your business. Follow the same process every time. You’ll be able to get things done more quickly, and you’ll also have a clearly defined system that can be used by someone else. When you are ready to step back from doing a task yourself it will be easier to outsource it.
  4. Be consistent with appearance.
    Use the same descriptive words, the same branding (colors, logo, taglines, keywords, etc.). The more consistent you are, the easier it will be to build brand recognition.

You can save a lot of time simply by planning ahead. Yes, it takes time to set up systems but you’ll benefit from having extra time for clients every week, every month and every year going forward.   

Need a hand? Get in touch with me to learn more about how I can help.

Why I Blog

There’s something special about turning 50. For me, it was like flipping a switch. I suddenly felt I had permission to let go of all the restrictive behaviours I learned in the previous four decades.

I have been waiting for this decade all my life!

Turning 50 also had a few surprises. At 49 I ended up in the hospital with necrotizing pneumonia. If you know your Latin, you know that anything with “necrotizing” in the diagnosis is bad.

Nine days in the hospital, over 2 liters of fluid drained from my lungs, massive amounts of antibiotics, and then I was released. I was weak as a kitten. Walking more than a dozen steps was exhausting. Stay tuned, I have a story about this day that will likely end up in a novel!

Less than a month out of hospital I began experiencing stroke-like symptoms. Freaked me out. Freaked my husband out. Back to the emergency department. It turned out to be a benign meningioma and my neurosurgeon successfully removed it. Thank goodness it wasn’t cancer, but brain surgery is still no picnic.

While my health scares were treated quickly, the after effects have been a little hard to deal with. I also experienced childhood trauma, which didn’t make my more recent recovery any easier. I’m still healing.

Now here I am in my 50s. I am alive in the “me too” age, and I’m so grateful to see that trauma recovery resources are available to people of every age now.

Turning 50 was a turning point for me. After two health scares, and decades of fear around my childhood experience, I decided that enough is enough. Fear, I have realized, is the backside of excitement. Those butterflies in my stomach can stop me, or they can lift me up to new heights.

Today I give myself permission

  • To speak out when I have something to say.
  • To seek help when I need it.
  • To help others when I can.  
  • To follow my dreams.

Even when it is scary. Maybe ESPECIALLY when it is scary.

So why this blog?

When I retired my business in 2018, I expected to be happily retired with my husband. I expected to keep myself busy with new hobbies, like quilting and sewing. I expected to keep learning. And I have done all of that.

One thing I want to do in retirement is to write my novels. I’m not doing that. So this blog is my outside influence to help me stay on course.

I also created a private Facebook group. If you’ve ever felt you could achieve your big dreams if you only had a little support and encouragement, come on over and join me there. It’s an informal mastermind group, with “get-it-done” days, and opportunities to share ideas.

What would you create in your life if you didn’t let fear get in the way?

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© 2025 - Live Cheap Dream Big|Design By 30 Day Blog Challenge