Live Cheap Dream Big

Living the dream on a shoestring budget

Tag: trauma

Tips For Traumatic Medical Appointments

I have a dentist appointment today. Like many people, I freak out at the dentist.

Who Wouldn’t Be Afraid?

I am powerless and someone is going to hurt me, and I have no control over that.

Gaining control over my fear is something I do have power over. It’s not easy, but it’s possible. I have had help in coming up with a plan for today, and I will do my best to follow the plan.

This appointment is at a teaching clinic. During the initial “get to know me” appointment, I shared ALL of the trauma that contributed to my TMJ issues. No details, just that certain kinds of trauma happened. One trauma was a surprise to the student dentist, and I am quite sure that information was shared among the other students.

In fact, I hope it was shared. It is important to know how to deal with patients who have been traumatized. Be assured that it will come up at some point. I am honoured to be a “teaching patient”.

His response to me was excellent…and incomplete. He classified this trauma as a psychological trauma rather than physical trauma to the jaw (which is all I was sharing). His expectation is that the psychological trauma will cause me to feel pain differently than someone who has not been traumatized. And that I will have anxiety issues. These two assumptions may (are probably) correct. But my point was that there have been multiple physical traumas to my jaw and that information is essential to forming a complete picture, which will lead to the most effective treatment.

I wrote this post because I realize that my experiences can help others. I am late to the game in learning coping strategies that are really effective. Up until a few years ago I believed my only solution was grit my teeth and get through it…which may explain some of that TMJ problem! There are better options for traumatized patients, and I truly believe that the medical community wants to understand how to help us too.

Tips For Student Doctors

DO ask more questions when you get to a sensitive topic to ensure that you understand the patient. Traumatized people often need compassionate encouragement to fully express some things. I don’t think I fully expressed the fact that it was physical trauma I was reporting, and that the psychological trauma is something I am successfully addressing elsewhere. Being heard is a relief to many traumatized patients.

DO respect the patient’s choices. Your patient may opt not to answer and that’s ok. For some patients, explaining only increases their anxiety.

PRO TIP: offer the patient the choice not to answer.

Tips For All Medical Students

DO absorb the trauma information that has been shared. Don’t take on the trauma. Your job is not to be a therapist (unless that is the profession you’ve chosen!). Your patient doesn’t need your sympathy, they need to know you have the information to treat them effectively.

DO adjust your treatment of the patient accordingly. Be sensitive to the idea that your treatment may trigger a traumatic response. It’s not about you. You can help by understanding this and not taking it personally. For me, a clinical approach (“just the facts, ma’am”!) really helps. For others, it may be different.

DO ask your instructors for help if you’re unsure how to help a traumatized patient. Consider doing some role play scenarios with your fellow students to practice.

DO ask the patient how you can best support them today. Accept that they might not know immediately how you can support them. Let them know you will listen if they choose to speak up later.

DO NOT use the patient’s disclosure as a springboard for sharing your traumatic experiences. Your patient is already dealing with their own traumas, they do not need to (and can not) process yours. They are not being rude; they simply don’t have the bandwidth for anything more. If they were not already dealing with their own crap, chances are that they would want to be a compassionate listener for you. PLEASE DO get help from a qualified therapist if that will be helpful to you.

UNDERSTAND that your patient needs to be “selfish”, to focus all their attention on their coping strategies during the appointment.

DO be gentle with yourself. We are all learning. If you feel you made a mistake, acknowledge it, learn how to do better next time, and move on. If you need help, ask your instructors. You can even ask your patients for feedback, if you give them the option to not answer if they don’t feel comfortable.

Tips For The Medical Community

DO expect to deal with a lot of traumatized patients. They are everywhere. I expect every medical professional has had a traumatized patient that was a challenge to treat. Hats off to you for continuing the work you do.

DO educate yourselves. A ton of resources are available now that were not available a decade or more ago. Learn about ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences. Here is one resource:  Read The Deepest Well (affiliate link) by Nadine Burke Harris, M.D. I’m confident that the medical community has access to many more resources for treating traumatized (aka “difficult”) patients.

PRO TIP: share resources you find helpful with your medical community. Share (respecting privacy of course!) experiences and strategies for supporting your traumatized patients.

DO ask how you can best support a patient who discloses trauma to you. Ask them how you can support them to get through the appointment. Don’t be surprised if they don’t have an answer right away and tap you on the arm 15 minutes later with an answer.

Tips For Traumatized Patients

This is your appointment. This is your time. Do whatever you need to do to cope with the anxiety, the fear, and whatever else is happening. You do not need to apologize for being a “difficult” patient, it’s not your fault you’re emotionally overloaded.

DO tell the medical staff what you will be/are experiencing (anxiety, zoning out, dissociation, etc.).

DO tell the medical staff what you need (frequent breaks from dental treatment, instructions written down in case you’ve missed something because you zoned out, specific help with grounding – like the doctor saying your name and checking in with you, etc.).

DO give the medical staff the opportunity to help you. If they didn’t care about you, they never would have gone into a medical profession. Make this assumption until proven wrong…if you’re wrong, find a different professional.

DO get help from your own support people to make a plan for coping before you get to the appointment.

Above all, give yourself a high five. You can do this. I believe in you.

Share Your Comments

Do you have coping strategies for scary situations? Consider sharing them in the comments. Your strategy might be the perfect one to someone who really needs it.

My Thoughts On Racism

I am horrified by what is happening in the U.S. The level of racism and hatred and violence is increasing. I’m sickened but can’t stop watching. I’m triggered but still can’t stop watching.

I kept wanting to share anti-racist memes on Facebook. Something kept stopping me. It felt like an easy pass – “I posted this, so I’ve done my part now”. I felt I needed to go deeper. I started wondering what I can do PERSONALLY in day to day life. How can I be sure I’m not accidentally saying or doing the wrong things?

“Oh, it’s not that bad in Canada” you say? That is the worst argument ever for ignoring this. It is happening here too and eventually will escalate if we don’t stop it now. Most Canadians have friends or family in the U.S. and Canada. We have influence, even if it is a small influence.

I believe we are ALL human beings regardless of our appearance. Regardless of any other label that gets attached to a person. Personally, I hate labels. I feel that they divide us even more.

I understand that special interest groups are formed to provide a stronger voice, to fight for inclusion and equality – but I so wish they were not necessary. Wouldn’t it be a better world if special interest groups formed to share and celebrate their common characteristics, rather than huddling together for survival and safety?

I believe everyone deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. The only place we should be judged is in court as a direct result of our actions – and there is a (usually peaceful) process for that.

What CAN I do personally?

It’s easier to see why people react the way they do when we understand their story. Being on the receiving side of racism is traumatic. I can’t even begin to understand what that is like. What’s happening now is yet another full-on cultural trauma that will be felt for generations.

Examining my own white privilege and biases is eye opening. Admitting I need to change is scary. It triggers a few of my own trauma reactions. But I am not letting that stop me.

There is so much healing needed – for the entire country, both U.S. and Canada. I encourage you to have these discussions with your family and your friends.

My husband and I had a good discussion about this yesterday. We talked about what is happening in the U.S. We examined a few of our biases. We talked about how we can change our biases by learning about different cultures to understand their beliefs. We will continue to discuss it and we both want to do our part to change it.

I can challenge the family member who talks trash about people because of their appearance or their culture. I already do that. What do they know about that person’s experience or culture? Can I share what I have learned? I need to learn more, and I need to pay attention to when my biases pop up. We all have them.

I can refuse to engage in conversations or actions that insult and harm another human being. Speak up, say I am not willing to be a part of this, walk away, or challenge their point of view. I already do that, although not as well as I would like. The need to be included in a group is sometimes stronger than my moral compass.

What can you do?

Can you think of a time when you didn’t speak up on someone’s behalf – and wish you had?

Will you refuse to take on clients who are racist? And how will you screen them, so you KNOW their values?

Will you refuse to hire people – employees or businesses – who don’t value equality? How do we even do this? I admit, it is an extra step when we need to hire a company to fix the furnace or paint the ceilings. I think it is worth it, even though I’m not sure how to go about it. Is it as simple as checking their website to read their inclusion policies?

We can ALL step up

We ALL need to do something. Even if it is a small thing. Because those small things add up. And we can change this. I keep thinking about what I can do personally in my self isolation bubble.

Memes have their place but the ones I see right now fire people up without giving them an outlet for big emotions. Instead of sharing memes on Facebook, I think I would rather share resources that can help us take right actions.

Today’s resource

Rachel Ricketts’ website. It landed in my email today so I am checking it out. I read this checklist today. I see there are things I can work on. Check it out and see what you find.

What can you do? What WILL you do? Post in the comments if you know of a good resource or have ideas to share.

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